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APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO DOCTORATE PROGRAM Please fill in all the blanks below. Required fields are marked with a check:
Which degree do you desire to pursue?
Name: Telephone - Home: Telephone - Work: e-mail address: Your Address: City/State/Zip: Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Your Occupation:
Married Yes No
Gender Male Female
Your Church: Pastor's Name: Pastor's Phone: Pastor's e-mail: Second Reference (non-relative): Reference's Phone: Reference's e-mail:
Education (High School Graduation or GED required):
High School Attended:
Year Graduated:
Colleges & Bible Institutes Attended (Name, City, State, Degree Earned, Date Graduated)
Total College Credit Hours Earned:
Christian Testimony & Ministry:
Please briefly summarize your salvation experience:
How many years have you been active in church work?
What is your previous ministry experience (check all that apply):
Pastor Church Staff Deacon Sunday School Teacher Missionary Evangelist Christian School Teacher Christian School Admin Christian Counseling Other
Do you plan to graduate from Patriot Bible University? Yes No
Who (or which search engine) referred you to Patriot Bible University?
Agreement with Statement of Faith
Patriot Bible University stands for the fundamentals of the faith: the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His blood atonement, His bodily resurrection, salvation by grace through faith in Christ and the bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ to set up His eternal kingdom. Do you agree with the preceding Statement of Faith? Yes No
Commitment to Personal Holiness
Will you make a diligent effort to pray and read God's Word daily, to faithfully attend a Bible-believing church, and to honor the Lord by abstaining from sinful acts? Yes No
Statement of Understanding
I understand that Patriot Bible University is a religious school. Credits are not guaranteed to be accepted by secular or state-run programs. I also understand that Accrediting Commission International is a private school organization unrelated to government accreditation. I acknowledge that I have read this >disclaimer<. Yes No
You are now ready to check this application for completeness: